Monday, 2 February 2009

Beastmaster (BST) job review

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"Omg, hes gonna tear this job apart."

Well, thats what I hope to achieve, because BST can go die under a tractor for all I care. In fact, BST is the main reason why I congratulate people on getting matt's cap.

Why, you ask?

Because this job is FREAKING BORING. The bare thought of someone tolerating the imense soloing of levels from 1-75 on this boring job is an achievement in itself. Now, obviously this is purely opinion, but you can't honestly tell me that logging onto FF everyday to solo 1-3k exp /day with fights that take needlessly long, aka, the kiting strategy, IS NOT MY IDEA OF FUN.

Now, don't look at me like that, I actually like BST....

...on FF Tactics Advance 1 and A2 and ONLY on those games. Not counting FF Tactics: War of the Lions, because BST... sorry, I mean, "Orator" is about as usless as Onion Knight on it. I've never once heard somebody actually say "come BST, it could be usefull".

Now I will congratulate it on its incredible soloability...

...and thats all I will congratulate it for.

You can't seriously tell me that you'd use a BST over a SMN for any kind of events. At least SMN can main heal, what can BST do? send in a pet that uses TP moves you don't want it to?

I'll show you what I mean.

From what i've seen, BSTs tend to use a crab familiar. For those that don't know, crabs have a numerous amount of defensive moves. I can see these moves being usefull while soloing. Even so, it does have one move that isn't have bad for doing some actual damage.

Now, when you tell it to use a TP move, because SE made it so you can't actually tell them what to do! it randomly uses one of its abilities, and since the chance of it using its attacking move is 1/4, that makes it pretty useless.

I don't see them being usefull in an exp party, or for most other things OTHER than soloing.

Nuff ranting about BST, check out the blog soon for the "Red Mage (RDM) job review"!

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