Saturday 20 December 2008

Screw you ENMs.

Yeah, screw ENMs. They are FAR too much trouble. As proven yesterday. For the first time in the 2 years i've played ffxi, I seen Jorgamund, in person (!). No, I didn't get agro by her/him/it/the thing (GM Dave could clarify Jormy's gender). Now, I log onto FF, Craves talks to me (like always :D), then begs me to come do ENM 75 (even up till now, I don't even know WHICH ENM is actually was I was trying to help with).

So, I thought to myself "yeah, this might be quite interesting, i'm just that bored". So I went along, and begged to come along as 1/3 of my jobs I dislike the most.

Red Mage...

Another post, for another day.

Anyway, so I high tailed it (Read: took my time because I was doing the aspir quest :o) to Xarcabard, then, after we all gathered together, we started to head down to bear claw pinacle through the ulgulerand range (h/e its spelt ._., 4:00 in the morning, can't be arsed to spell).

...So I thought anyway, untill we eventually get told, that we have to treck around the whole place, just to get this item.

So, we start to walk through, and apparently, I have "tour guide" written all over my face. Celgar (the leader) kept asking me to take everyone to where we were going.

Now, getting to the top of the slope would be so cool, if it didn't involve getting agro by 5 tauros, 2 demons and an unsleepable eye, then followed by someone who obviously has no patience, to ditch us.

Eventually, we get to the top, start to slide down the slope, only problem is, we missed the ledge we were supposed to land on.


Do you know what missing that ledge twice means? It means I spent nearly 3 hours walking around a dangerous, to get an item to help someone that I didn't even bloody get in the end. The word twice has all this in a nutshell my friends.

This may sound silly to you, and you probably think that you could do it yourself. Put it this way, unless you have a POS hack, or have done this climb a numerous amount of times, or have some stupidly good luck, there is NO CHANCE of doing this.

Next time i'll post some screenshots.

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