No, not the feeling that women have for chocolate.
This is my best friend on FF.
This is a short post, but its dedicated to her.
Once again, I would like to congratulate her on getting her Byakko's Haidate. She put a lot of work into getting them and also, so i'm very happy that she got them!
Congratultions :)!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Thursday, 16 October 2008
First Lieutenant Quest.
Mabye a lot of you don't know about this quest. And if you do, then this means you nearly killed yourself doing it too.
Yes, I said Too.
This quest...
For those that don't know what that means, it basically drove me insane. But "drove me round the bend" sounds better.
This quest has 3 parts to it. The first part is about qiqirns disguised as humes, and you have to use your "phychic" powers to tell which ones are humes and which ones are actual qiqirns.
Now, I quote "phychic" because SE somehow think that every player on FF has phychic powers. Believe me, this part is a lot harder than it sounds.
The second part is talking jibberish.
Well... it came across as jibberish to me.
Basically, you get given a manual of words that are equivalent to some words of the english language, and have to memorize them. Or you could just look in ffxiclopedia. This language is kinda like the al bhed language in FFX, but this time, it doesn't make sense.
This part is easy, because you only need to select the same words the order that it comes up in.
Again, this is highly exaggerated by me yet again, because the minigame is actually called BCG (Beetle, Crab, Ghost).
Tell me though, the last time you played rock paper scissors, did this involve holding a mine/bomb/ or any other explosive device? and the loser gets blown to bits? I think not.
And if you did, then you're retarded.
Retarded like this minigame is.
Its pretty simple actually, but it is just needlessly time consuming. I spent a whole hour doing THIS PART alone, and not the actual fights that taken long, it was that damn cutscene.
Anyway, parts 2 and 3 of the minigame are retarded, but are horribly simple.
...part 1 however, is horribly retarded, and incredibly difficult unless you're stupidly lucky.
Have you ever been kicked in the face before? Well, I know i've not, but this minigame certainly made me feel like I had...
The first time I failed, it wasn't too bad.
Chrishh>>> Oh, this minigame makes no sense, I'll try it next time.
Then next time came along...
Chrishh>>> This minigame is stupid. I'll get it next time.
Next time came along again...
Chrishh>>> Bah! I was just unlucky. stupid minigame. Next time i'll devise a plan.
So, as promised, I devised a plan, and made a note in my notebook about the order of the qiqirns.
[Chris's Notebook]
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
I would scan this in, but i'm too lazy.
Basically, when I had to inspect the groups, I would circle which group it was.
For example, when I went to check groups, I chose numbers 1-4. When I chose a group on the computer, I would circle that group in my notebook.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Now from this, it will tell you whether this group would have any qiqirns in it or not, but you only get a limited amount of tries. And everytime you lose the first time (you get 2 chances in one go) then it will change the order completely. And you can't over inspect qiqirns either.
So... for example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
(The red numbers are the inspected ones. Te blue number is the one you guessed and may get wrong)
If you were meant to only find 3 qiqirns, but then chose 4 because you wern't sure, regardless if the red numbers were all correct, having that blue number still when you check to see if you were correct about which qiqirns were in disguise, will STILL make you lose that round.
Silly huh? But then it would be too easy.
Then Square Enix had to go the extra mile and make this minigame TOO difficult. On a side note, I lost this minigame 9 times in a row. Also, there are 3 rounds of inspecting qiqirns, which go up by 1 more inspected qiqirn per round.
I tell you, some of these quests that Square Enix make take things too far. And don't even get me started on the new Mythic Weapons.
Yes, I said Too.
This quest...
For those that don't know what that means, it basically drove me insane. But "drove me round the bend" sounds better.
This quest has 3 parts to it. The first part is about qiqirns disguised as humes, and you have to use your "phychic" powers to tell which ones are humes and which ones are actual qiqirns.
Now, I quote "phychic" because SE somehow think that every player on FF has phychic powers. Believe me, this part is a lot harder than it sounds.
The second part is talking jibberish.
Well... it came across as jibberish to me.
Basically, you get given a manual of words that are equivalent to some words of the english language, and have to memorize them. Or you could just look in ffxiclopedia. This language is kinda like the al bhed language in FFX, but this time, it doesn't make sense.
This part is easy, because you only need to select the same words the order that it comes up in.
Again, this is highly exaggerated by me yet again, because the minigame is actually called BCG (Beetle, Crab, Ghost).
Tell me though, the last time you played rock paper scissors, did this involve holding a mine/bomb/ or any other explosive device? and the loser gets blown to bits? I think not.
And if you did, then you're retarded.
Retarded like this minigame is.
Its pretty simple actually, but it is just needlessly time consuming. I spent a whole hour doing THIS PART alone, and not the actual fights that taken long, it was that damn cutscene.
Anyway, parts 2 and 3 of the minigame are retarded, but are horribly simple.
...part 1 however, is horribly retarded, and incredibly difficult unless you're stupidly lucky.
Have you ever been kicked in the face before? Well, I know i've not, but this minigame certainly made me feel like I had...
The first time I failed, it wasn't too bad.
Chrishh>>> Oh, this minigame makes no sense, I'll try it next time.
Then next time came along...
Chrishh>>> This minigame is stupid. I'll get it next time.
Next time came along again...
Chrishh>>> Bah! I was just unlucky. stupid minigame. Next time i'll devise a plan.
So, as promised, I devised a plan, and made a note in my notebook about the order of the qiqirns.
[Chris's Notebook]
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
I would scan this in, but i'm too lazy.
Basically, when I had to inspect the groups, I would circle which group it was.
For example, when I went to check groups, I chose numbers 1-4. When I chose a group on the computer, I would circle that group in my notebook.
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Now from this, it will tell you whether this group would have any qiqirns in it or not, but you only get a limited amount of tries. And everytime you lose the first time (you get 2 chances in one go) then it will change the order completely. And you can't over inspect qiqirns either.
So... for example:
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
(The red numbers are the inspected ones. Te blue number is the one you guessed and may get wrong)
If you were meant to only find 3 qiqirns, but then chose 4 because you wern't sure, regardless if the red numbers were all correct, having that blue number still when you check to see if you were correct about which qiqirns were in disguise, will STILL make you lose that round.
Silly huh? But then it would be too easy.
Then Square Enix had to go the extra mile and make this minigame TOO difficult. On a side note, I lost this minigame 9 times in a row. Also, there are 3 rounds of inspecting qiqirns, which go up by 1 more inspected qiqirn per round.
I tell you, some of these quests that Square Enix make take things too far. And don't even get me started on the new Mythic Weapons.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Fastest... Nyzul... Ever
After Sea yesterday, I felt really bored after, so I felt like actually being bothered call for people for Nyzul isle. I did see a shout for another floor, but apparently elitests that level DRK think they're superior to BLU.
Chrishh>>> Hey, can I join your run?
Darksky>>> which job do u have?
Chrishh>>> BLU75/NIN37
Darksky>>> Sorry, I don't accept blu
Chrishh>>> NIN?
Darksky>>> SAM (Do you have it?)
Chrishh>>> No I don't
I mean, what the hell was up with that? The guy is 75 BLU himself, but doesn't accept them? After him shouting for another 10 minute, I tried my hand again.
Chrishh>>> You sure you don't want me to come?
Darksky>>> no, i'd rather spend time shouting
Darksky>>> sorry man
That was a low blow man, I died a little inside, because BLU is one of the jobs that destroy nyzul isle. So I just ended up shouting myself. I bet if someone said that to [GM]Dave about DRG, hed feed them to Jormy.
I have a good Saturday group and we've been progrossing through the floors. Our seup contains Me as either RDM/BLU, Humie as either NIN/RDM, Guyledoche (yes, funny name, but hes actually really cool) as SAM, Skenton as SAM, Braveheart as THF, and we've just gotten Dhalsim as a new 6th member, however, on Saturday, Braveheart couldn't make it, so we got another linkshell member to come, Freshy.
After a few bad weeks of runs after getting my Goliard clogs on the first run wth them, Saturday definitely made up for it. We did floors 1-5, 6-10 and 16-20.
Now, I thought Saturday was crazy, I actually was daring enough to make my own group with a pickup party. First off we had Me as BLU, Caldron as DRG/WHM, Evangela BLU, Lilunulu DRK, Toadstool RDM and Syruss as NIN. At first, I thought that this group would only be able to 'Just' make it up to floor 15. But the run was fantastic.
Our floors were basically Lamps (Order) > all mobs > Lamps (Register) > NM Normal monster > Lamps (Order). Everyone hates the Lamps floor, and particularly the order ones. Well, I did hate this floor untill I had this all sussed and I got floors 11-15 registered on my disk.
Anyway, after this, Caldron couldn't do another assault, so I got Josith to come along as DRK. Hes one of the few DRKs on the game I can trust, I tell you, the guys a legend.
So our setup was now, DRK DRK BLU BLU NIN RDM.
Before entering, we had a small discussion about who would get what if the HNM monster on floor 20 were to drop something. Then, we started talking about what items to get when we enter. This part of the convo made me laugh:
(Chrishh) When we enter, there is a box before we move up floors, in there, there are items you can get and purchase them using Nyzul Tokens.
(Chrishh) NO BUFFS untill we move up to floor 16, and I will give us all 1 minute before we move up, to get items out of the box.
(Lilunulu) *Explains what items to get, can't remember*
(Syruss) Huh? wheres the NPC in nyzul isle?
(Chrishh) ...
(Chrishh) Were you listening just now?
(Syruss) yes but, wheres the NPC?
Josith>>> <.<>
He obviously wasn't getting the idea that there WASN'T AN NPC, so I had to set the guy straight.
Chrishh>>> There is NO NPC, its a box, lol.
Chrishh>>> Well, call the box the NPC if you want to.
(Syruss) oh
Now, this convo not only made me laugh, but made me wonder if this party could get up to floor 20 and kill Behemoth (OOOPS SPOILERS).
So, we entered nyzul isle, I timed the 1 minute we had for items using my stopwatch (not the PC program, the item you wear on your wrist...) as soon as 1 minute was up, I immidiately moved us up. First of all, we had to do Lamps (Order), which I thought would have doomed us from the start, but I was wrong about this. We did this floor in less than 1 minute.
After we progressed a few floors, and were close to floor 20, I looked at my watch to see how good we were on time.
[Chris's watch] 00:08:00
Now, I thought this watch was incorrect, or mabye I was just seriously tired, because we've just done 4 floors IN UNDER 8 MINUTES, not to mention the 1 minute we had for getting items. We were all shocked about how fast we did this as you could imagine (if you're wondering, we didn't get a free floor, thats only ever happened once.).
(Chrishh) Holy crap, you do relise we've just COMPLETED 4 FLOORS IN UNDER 10 MINUTES right?!
(Lilunulu) This is the fastest nyzul run i've ever had XD
(Chrishh) VERY good job guys!
So after that, we ACTUALLY had time to wait around for healing, MP, buffs, using items etc.
Now, through stereotyping, you would have thought that our whole party were heavily pimped out in gear.

Nope, we were all either half decent equips - craply equipped. Then, we went to take on Behemoth. Half way during the fight, I pulled hate and it did Thunderbolt (No, not the move Pikachu uses ._.) and stunned me for like, 30 seconds.
30 second stun? What... the... hell?
Then I started to kiss the floor.

Well, at least we killed it, but didn't get a rare/ex armour drop, but we did get a Swordbreaker.
I laughed when someone said:
(Partymember) Why is it called a sword breaker?
I thought it would be obvious, but it really must not be. its a WEAPON THAT BREAKS SWORDS, hence the name SWORDBREAKER.
Chrishh>>> Hey, can I join your run?
Darksky>>> which job do u have?
Chrishh>>> BLU75/NIN37
Darksky>>> Sorry, I don't accept blu
Chrishh>>> NIN?
Darksky>>> SAM (Do you have it?)
Chrishh>>> No I don't
I mean, what the hell was up with that? The guy is 75 BLU himself, but doesn't accept them? After him shouting for another 10 minute, I tried my hand again.
Chrishh>>> You sure you don't want me to come?
Darksky>>> no, i'd rather spend time shouting
Darksky>>> sorry man
That was a low blow man, I died a little inside, because BLU is one of the jobs that destroy nyzul isle. So I just ended up shouting myself. I bet if someone said that to [GM]Dave about DRG, hed feed them to Jormy.
I have a good Saturday group and we've been progrossing through the floors. Our seup contains Me as either RDM/BLU, Humie as either NIN/RDM, Guyledoche (yes, funny name, but hes actually really cool) as SAM, Skenton as SAM, Braveheart as THF, and we've just gotten Dhalsim as a new 6th member, however, on Saturday, Braveheart couldn't make it, so we got another linkshell member to come, Freshy.
After a few bad weeks of runs after getting my Goliard clogs on the first run wth them, Saturday definitely made up for it. We did floors 1-5, 6-10 and 16-20.
Now, I thought Saturday was crazy, I actually was daring enough to make my own group with a pickup party. First off we had Me as BLU, Caldron as DRG/WHM, Evangela BLU, Lilunulu DRK, Toadstool RDM and Syruss as NIN. At first, I thought that this group would only be able to 'Just' make it up to floor 15. But the run was fantastic.
Our floors were basically Lamps (Order) > all mobs > Lamps (Register) > NM Normal monster > Lamps (Order). Everyone hates the Lamps floor, and particularly the order ones. Well, I did hate this floor untill I had this all sussed and I got floors 11-15 registered on my disk.
Anyway, after this, Caldron couldn't do another assault, so I got Josith to come along as DRK. Hes one of the few DRKs on the game I can trust, I tell you, the guys a legend.
So our setup was now, DRK DRK BLU BLU NIN RDM.
Before entering, we had a small discussion about who would get what if the HNM monster on floor 20 were to drop something. Then, we started talking about what items to get when we enter. This part of the convo made me laugh:
(Chrishh) When we enter, there is a box before we move up floors, in there, there are items you can get and purchase them using Nyzul Tokens.
(Chrishh) NO BUFFS untill we move up to floor 16, and I will give us all 1 minute before we move up, to get items out of the box.
(Lilunulu) *Explains what items to get, can't remember*
(Syruss) Huh? wheres the NPC in nyzul isle?
(Chrishh) ...
(Chrishh) Were you listening just now?
(Syruss) yes but, wheres the NPC?
Josith>>> <.<>
He obviously wasn't getting the idea that there WASN'T AN NPC, so I had to set the guy straight.
Chrishh>>> There is NO NPC, its a box, lol.
Chrishh>>> Well, call the box the NPC if you want to.
(Syruss) oh
Now, this convo not only made me laugh, but made me wonder if this party could get up to floor 20 and kill Behemoth (OOOPS SPOILERS).
So, we entered nyzul isle, I timed the 1 minute we had for items using my stopwatch (not the PC program, the item you wear on your wrist...) as soon as 1 minute was up, I immidiately moved us up. First of all, we had to do Lamps (Order), which I thought would have doomed us from the start, but I was wrong about this. We did this floor in less than 1 minute.
After we progressed a few floors, and were close to floor 20, I looked at my watch to see how good we were on time.
[Chris's watch] 00:08:00
Now, I thought this watch was incorrect, or mabye I was just seriously tired, because we've just done 4 floors IN UNDER 8 MINUTES, not to mention the 1 minute we had for getting items. We were all shocked about how fast we did this as you could imagine (if you're wondering, we didn't get a free floor, thats only ever happened once.).
(Chrishh) Holy crap, you do relise we've just COMPLETED 4 FLOORS IN UNDER 10 MINUTES right?!
(Lilunulu) This is the fastest nyzul run i've ever had XD
(Chrishh) VERY good job guys!
So after that, we ACTUALLY had time to wait around for healing, MP, buffs, using items etc.
Now, through stereotyping, you would have thought that our whole party were heavily pimped out in gear.
Nope, we were all either half decent equips - craply equipped. Then, we went to take on Behemoth. Half way during the fight, I pulled hate and it did Thunderbolt (No, not the move Pikachu uses ._.) and stunned me for like, 30 seconds.
30 second stun? What... the... hell?
Then I started to kiss the floor.
Well, at least we killed it, but didn't get a rare/ex armour drop, but we did get a Swordbreaker.
I laughed when someone said:
(Partymember) Why is it called a sword breaker?
I thought it would be obvious, but it really must not be. its a WEAPON THAT BREAKS SWORDS, hence the name SWORDBREAKER.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Limbus and salvage.
Well, yet again, I couldn't find a use of words for this post, so now i'm a few days behind. Therefore, I am going to do 2 posts in one day! I'm going to do this post in past tense and because of demand, I will start using names.
So as usual, I find myself missing a few days, because I coulda swore it was monday yesterday. But as usual, I was wrong, it was actually Wednesday yesterday, which means today I have limbus.
...which also means I can barely make it due to my uni timetable.
But today, I thought I WOULD be able to make it. This proved incorrect, because my old man was using the computer when I got back. This also happened to be Omega day. My dad tells me he doesn't like computer games, however, everytime its omega day he ALWAYS seems to want to use the computer.
At the same time of course.
I think he reads the time schedules and "claims" that he knows nothing about anything I do on FF.
So, as i've implied, I missed the omega run. However, so did one of my other friends, and sounded quite annoyed about it.
So we went to do Temenos to do a bit of farming.
Myself, Wooooodum and Myojin

Yes I know, I don't have byakkos haidate. People try telling me I can't tank without it. This is incorrect, because I tank absolutely fine. However, I would love the haste and dex+15.
We did the first floor, with some ease, and Woody (or Parrot boy if you like, its what I call him) got the second item for his COR af+1.
Then on the second floor, I started to taste the cold floors of Temenos.

What killed me you ask?

MNks, GIANT MNKs. I hate those guys. I wish they got shot in the face.
Anyhow, we still got few coins. Probbably the same amount I would have gotten with the entire group. Less if I was lucky.
And then, after we were done, I changed back to my social linkshell.
Well, I've got many socials, so i'll just say SecretoMana.
I was on there for about 5 minutes, untill someone said:
(Linkshell member) Hey guys, I got salvage, cya later ^^!
That... was music to my ears, kinda like Coldplay's Viva la vida. Those golden words... "Salvage". This folks, is my FAVOURITE end game event. And especially now that you can make profit for actually doing salvage.
For those reading this and have never heard/done salvage before, you start off completely naked, well, not COMPLETELY naked, weakened stats and this includes HP/MP, no magic or abilities, and no subjobs either! As you progress you through 1 of the 4 remnants (Bhaflau, Arrapago, Silver sea and Zhayolm) from monsters you kill, you get "Cells" that drop, each with a specific role to getting you back into shape. And the first floor monsters are all very weak, so you shouldn't have a problem with them, if you do, its because you're retarded.
I immediately pursued this, asking the linkshell member (I don't remember his name) about who he was going with.
I finally got an invite, ended up going a RDM, though I really didn't think I needed to, I coulda gone BLU. Braveheart seems to think its useless, but then again, I know how to do salvage, just i've not had a real decent group.
I have a sunday salvage in the afternoon, but people either:
1. Turn up one hour late
2. Make up the excuse that they don't have enough assault points
3. Run gets canceled because people can't be bothered to come to it.
Not enough assault points? What kind of rubbish is that. Apparently 1500 assault points is hard to come by.
On a side note, you get 3 tags that each take 1 day to regenerate (Tag 1, 1 day, tag 2, next day, tag 3, next day) and you can get an extra tag by picking on up a day before you're supposed to do assault which results in having 4. 4 if you're Captain rank, same situation as having 3 tags, but this time, you can have 5 tags instead. Also, the majority of assaults give you 1000+ points per run, so if you work it out, you can actually have 7000+ points PER WEEK.
(Linkshell member) I don't have many assault points, sorry.
This in translation really means:
(Linkshel member) I couldn't be arsed to do any assaults this week. Tough balls.
In my personal opinion, its not a lot of work to do assaults, it just requires 2 hours of your time to do, or less even.
Anyway, so I got into this new thursday group, which is quite benficial for me. So I went along with them, they're new, so with my extensive knowledge of salvage, i'm going to toughen them up, teach them a few tricks, and wont need to be cell caller anymore. A bit of a slow start, but we progressed and nearly everyone had their stuff back.
We even tried for the level 35 Usukane feet, no NM of course, but it was a good try.
Then, since time was running out, we tried to do some level 15 armour farming, which sadly didn't turn out so well.
Next time I wil look at my RDM macros before using them.
But I feel this group has a lot of potential, not only do they have the right amount of people, but the right amount WITH the right jobs. After i'm done with them, they'll be Salvage machines.
So as usual, I find myself missing a few days, because I coulda swore it was monday yesterday. But as usual, I was wrong, it was actually Wednesday yesterday, which means today I have limbus.
...which also means I can barely make it due to my uni timetable.
But today, I thought I WOULD be able to make it. This proved incorrect, because my old man was using the computer when I got back. This also happened to be Omega day. My dad tells me he doesn't like computer games, however, everytime its omega day he ALWAYS seems to want to use the computer.
At the same time of course.
I think he reads the time schedules and "claims" that he knows nothing about anything I do on FF.
So, as i've implied, I missed the omega run. However, so did one of my other friends, and sounded quite annoyed about it.
So we went to do Temenos to do a bit of farming.
Myself, Wooooodum and Myojin
Yes I know, I don't have byakkos haidate. People try telling me I can't tank without it. This is incorrect, because I tank absolutely fine. However, I would love the haste and dex+15.
We did the first floor, with some ease, and Woody (or Parrot boy if you like, its what I call him) got the second item for his COR af+1.
Then on the second floor, I started to taste the cold floors of Temenos.
What killed me you ask?
MNks, GIANT MNKs. I hate those guys. I wish they got shot in the face.
Anyhow, we still got few coins. Probbably the same amount I would have gotten with the entire group. Less if I was lucky.
And then, after we were done, I changed back to my social linkshell.
Well, I've got many socials, so i'll just say SecretoMana.
I was on there for about 5 minutes, untill someone said:
(Linkshell member) Hey guys, I got salvage, cya later ^^!
That... was music to my ears, kinda like Coldplay's Viva la vida. Those golden words... "Salvage". This folks, is my FAVOURITE end game event. And especially now that you can make profit for actually doing salvage.
For those reading this and have never heard/done salvage before, you start off completely naked, well, not COMPLETELY naked, weakened stats and this includes HP/MP, no magic or abilities, and no subjobs either! As you progress you through 1 of the 4 remnants (Bhaflau, Arrapago, Silver sea and Zhayolm) from monsters you kill, you get "Cells" that drop, each with a specific role to getting you back into shape. And the first floor monsters are all very weak, so you shouldn't have a problem with them, if you do, its because you're retarded.
I immediately pursued this, asking the linkshell member (I don't remember his name) about who he was going with.
I finally got an invite, ended up going a RDM, though I really didn't think I needed to, I coulda gone BLU. Braveheart seems to think its useless, but then again, I know how to do salvage, just i've not had a real decent group.
I have a sunday salvage in the afternoon, but people either:
1. Turn up one hour late
2. Make up the excuse that they don't have enough assault points
3. Run gets canceled because people can't be bothered to come to it.
Not enough assault points? What kind of rubbish is that. Apparently 1500 assault points is hard to come by.
On a side note, you get 3 tags that each take 1 day to regenerate (Tag 1, 1 day, tag 2, next day, tag 3, next day) and you can get an extra tag by picking on up a day before you're supposed to do assault which results in having 4. 4 if you're Captain rank, same situation as having 3 tags, but this time, you can have 5 tags instead. Also, the majority of assaults give you 1000+ points per run, so if you work it out, you can actually have 7000+ points PER WEEK.
(Linkshell member) I don't have many assault points, sorry.
This in translation really means:
(Linkshel member) I couldn't be arsed to do any assaults this week. Tough balls.
In my personal opinion, its not a lot of work to do assaults, it just requires 2 hours of your time to do, or less even.
Anyway, so I got into this new thursday group, which is quite benficial for me. So I went along with them, they're new, so with my extensive knowledge of salvage, i'm going to toughen them up, teach them a few tricks, and wont need to be cell caller anymore. A bit of a slow start, but we progressed and nearly everyone had their stuff back.
We even tried for the level 35 Usukane feet, no NM of course, but it was a good try.
Then, since time was running out, we tried to do some level 15 armour farming, which sadly didn't turn out so well.
Next time I wil look at my RDM macros before using them.
But I feel this group has a lot of potential, not only do they have the right amount of people, but the right amount WITH the right jobs. After i'm done with them, they'll be Salvage machines.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Sky. And DRG again.
Well, I really should have posted this yesterday, since I leveled DRG on wednesday, not yesterday (its 1:37 right now). But somehow, I couldn't find the right words to finish off this blog entry. So i'm doing it now.
Well i seem to have found myself quite lucky today. I actually got a pt invite on DRG... not only that, in less than 5 minutes of logging onto FF. This was obviously a shocker to me, since that hasn't happened since my RDM was below 70.
Oh well, who cares, I got an invite, yay me.
Anyhow, I get a teleport altep from someone who was going to do a swift belt run with my RL friend Josith (the guy is a legend), couldn't stay around to help them because not only did I have a pt invite, I hd sky later on that night... even though I ended up being late to it.
Anyway.. the party progressed quite well.

Doesn't the party look fantastic? It consisted of a NIN, DRG (me again)
, SAM, WHM, RDM (Party leader) and a RMTTHF who aparently has the reactions of a snail. I think hes been watching too much Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and thinks slow motion works in all situations.
Basically, when we "tried" to make a SATA order on the NIN (the SAM would first voke), he would engage and fight. The beetle is half dead, then all of a sudden, all you will see is:
I mean, who in the right mind not only does a SATA so late in the fight, but has the lamest macro EVER for it? RMTs do.
Then half way through the party, the leader randomly says:
(Partyleader) Fuck man.
(Partyleader) Look at Samurai damage, its insane.
(Chrishh) >.>
(Partyleader) DRG damage is also insane too.
Is it me, or has DRG with a polearm smashing an IT beetle with DOUBLE THRUST for 50-200 damage suddenly become invisable, because from what I remember, the SAM was hitting measly 40-80 Tachi Enpi, so how on earth does he think that is crazy?
Did I also mention that I was the level sync designee for a 31 party? If you didn't notice in the screenshot, then you know now.
Anyway, I had to leave the party after an hour or so to get to sky.
Eventually get my RDM gear out to head to sky, in the linkshell I get asked to take one of the members to the Diorite camp. Now, this obviously wasn't a problem taking the person, but if only I knew how to get to the diorite camp myself. I tried my hardest to get to the camp...
Well i seem to have found myself quite lucky today. I actually got a pt invite on DRG... not only that, in less than 5 minutes of logging onto FF. This was obviously a shocker to me, since that hasn't happened since my RDM was below 70.
Oh well, who cares, I got an invite, yay me.
Anyhow, I get a teleport altep from someone who was going to do a swift belt run with my RL friend Josith (the guy is a legend), couldn't stay around to help them because not only did I have a pt invite, I hd sky later on that night... even though I ended up being late to it.
Anyway.. the party progressed quite well.
Doesn't the party look fantastic? It consisted of a NIN, DRG (me again)
, SAM, WHM, RDM (Party leader) and a RMTTHF who aparently has the reactions of a snail. I think hes been watching too much Garth Marenghi's Darkplace and thinks slow motion works in all situations.
Basically, when we "tried" to make a SATA order on the NIN (the SAM would first voke), he would engage and fight. The beetle is half dead, then all of a sudden, all you will see is:
I mean, who in the right mind not only does a SATA so late in the fight, but has the lamest macro EVER for it? RMTs do.
Then half way through the party, the leader randomly says:
(Partyleader) Fuck man.
(Partyleader) Look at Samurai damage, its insane.
(Chrishh) >.>
(Partyleader) DRG damage is also insane too.
Is it me, or has DRG with a polearm smashing an IT beetle with DOUBLE THRUST for 50-200 damage suddenly become invisable, because from what I remember, the SAM was hitting measly 40-80 Tachi Enpi, so how on earth does he think that is crazy?
Did I also mention that I was the level sync designee for a 31 party? If you didn't notice in the screenshot, then you know now.
Anyway, I had to leave the party after an hour or so to get to sky.
Eventually get my RDM gear out to head to sky, in the linkshell I get asked to take one of the members to the Diorite camp. Now, this obviously wasn't a problem taking the person, but if only I knew how to get to the diorite camp myself. I tried my hardest to get to the camp...
...after taking the wrong portal 3 times. Eventually, got there after a LONG time, and then my dynamis leader who is a pearl sack in my sky linkshell, says:
(Partymember) Hey Chris, when you get here, we're going to go to water.
So I basically wasted far too much time getting to the camp JUST to go to another camp. Though, it was quite cool 3 of us fighting pots. Only downfall is that we didn't get any water. That drop rate sucks more than lemon juice.
I will write about tonights events tomorrow, since right now, I need some sleep.
Dynamis windurst - Conclusion?
So as you would have noticed in the previous post. I am a member of dynamis linkshell and hasn't been able to get a hold of the dynamis windurst win.
Surely I was very annoyed after somehow losing/wiping in that place 3 times.
Yes I know, doesn't that just suck? Stuck doing nothing but wait around for my dynamis shell to do windy again, since my dynamis linkshell do Northlands a lot.
Thats right. It wasn't a typo.
I said again.
The last time was a mess unfortunately, and the other losses are from other dynamis shlls that died out too quickly.
So as you must have figured out by now, i've lost a lot of points.
Nearly 3 months worth actually. I have all of 4 points.
And too bad NAs do dynamis too late for me. Mabye I had a chance to do it then.
So... the time came again for the ls to do dynamis windurst again. Obviously I was keen to turn up... even if it meant falling asleep halfway through.
Now, theres a good reason why I don't like going to dynamis as RDM.
For those that don't know my 75 jobs, they are RDM (1st) BLU (2nd) and NIN (3rd) and currently leveling DRG as another 75 job, which is heavily implied in my last post.
Back to the subject.
Anyway, I don't like going to dynamis as RDM simply because of:
1. RDM aint my favourite event job, but its too usefull so people make me go it most of the time.
2. My computer is made of epic phail. So i'll lag too much, can't type occasionally (during dynamis and other laggy events such as campaign and besieged) and even move around. I'm supprised that my computer hasn't blown up yet, running ffxi on a 256 MB graphics card with an old 256 MB RAM chip supporting it.
3. Too much freaking demand. Especially if you're the only healer in your party. I have to say though, I think people relised that my computer is absolute crap, because I didn' see anyone begging for haste or bugging me about stuff and implying that I don't know how to do my job.
I don't hate RDM.
Of course I don't, it was my first 75 job.
What I hate is when people expect me to be it for everything, even when I have 2 other viable 75 jobs.
Especially since my BLU is my best equipped job out of all 3, my RDM is probably my worst, but even thats pretty decent.
Anyway, after being forced to go RDM, we started dynamis windurst again.
For me, it was the 4th time. for them, it must have been much more than 4.

It was fun, but I fell asleep at least 6 or 7 times, I was sooooo tired, but I was DETERMINED to get this win. Ironically, the last and longest time I fell asleep, they killed the mega boss and the ??? popped on the floor.
And apparently, half of the linkshell (ESPECIALLY ELLEANNE) spamming me with tells was gonna wake me up.
I eventually woke up, and got the win, like 5 minutes before the reservation time was done.
So now I FINALLY have northlands access, which I am VERY pleased about.
Surely I was very annoyed after somehow losing/wiping in that place 3 times.
Yes I know, doesn't that just suck? Stuck doing nothing but wait around for my dynamis shell to do windy again, since my dynamis linkshell do Northlands a lot.
Thats right. It wasn't a typo.
I said again.
The last time was a mess unfortunately, and the other losses are from other dynamis shlls that died out too quickly.
So as you must have figured out by now, i've lost a lot of points.
Nearly 3 months worth actually. I have all of 4 points.
And too bad NAs do dynamis too late for me. Mabye I had a chance to do it then.
So... the time came again for the ls to do dynamis windurst again. Obviously I was keen to turn up... even if it meant falling asleep halfway through.
Now, theres a good reason why I don't like going to dynamis as RDM.
For those that don't know my 75 jobs, they are RDM (1st) BLU (2nd) and NIN (3rd) and currently leveling DRG as another 75 job, which is heavily implied in my last post.
Back to the subject.
Anyway, I don't like going to dynamis as RDM simply because of:
1. RDM aint my favourite event job, but its too usefull so people make me go it most of the time.
2. My computer is made of epic phail. So i'll lag too much, can't type occasionally (during dynamis and other laggy events such as campaign and besieged) and even move around. I'm supprised that my computer hasn't blown up yet, running ffxi on a 256 MB graphics card with an old 256 MB RAM chip supporting it.
3. Too much freaking demand. Especially if you're the only healer in your party. I have to say though, I think people relised that my computer is absolute crap, because I didn' see anyone begging for haste or bugging me about stuff and implying that I don't know how to do my job.
I don't hate RDM.
Of course I don't, it was my first 75 job.
What I hate is when people expect me to be it for everything, even when I have 2 other viable 75 jobs.
Especially since my BLU is my best equipped job out of all 3, my RDM is probably my worst, but even thats pretty decent.
Anyway, after being forced to go RDM, we started dynamis windurst again.
For me, it was the 4th time. for them, it must have been much more than 4.
It was fun, but I fell asleep at least 6 or 7 times, I was sooooo tired, but I was DETERMINED to get this win. Ironically, the last and longest time I fell asleep, they killed the mega boss and the ??? popped on the floor.
And apparently, half of the linkshell (ESPECIALLY ELLEANNE) spamming me with tells was gonna wake me up.
I eventually woke up, and got the win, like 5 minutes before the reservation time was done.
So now I FINALLY have northlands access, which I am VERY pleased about.
Monday, 6 October 2008
First Entry + DRG
First blog entry ever! Kinda a last minute thing so I don't have any Screenshots or anything. Please forgive me for not being a top author for blogs since this is my first one.
Anyway today:
I Fealt a bit of relief from yesterday because I really wanted to get my DRG to 30, not that I got 30 yesterday, but I was very close to it. Anyhow, I managed to put together a level sync party with the help of linkshell member and headed for Yuhtunga Jungle.
Now after we got there, we thought we'd be rolling in exp with a pretty decent setup (well, decent for those levels I think). The party consisted of DRG (me) BLM WHM SAM NIN and ... a BST.
For those that don't know, it is implied from most players on the game that BST is a fun job, but doesn't have many uses in the game apart from being a makeshift WAR without the berserk, double attack trait, no way near as much STR as a WAR, etc...however, it is a fantastic solo job, so i'll give it some credit.
I'll be honest when I say that I normally bash BST, not many people make the job look any good, just like BLU DRG DRK and PUP.
Whoa losing myself there... back to the subject.
Anyway, Yuhtunga Jungle was absolutely packed, something I didn't think i'd see again.
We'd even be lucky to get a mandragora every 5 minutes after killing one off in less than 2 minutes. It was pretty rediculous, so we were pretty much forced to move to the goblin camp near the OP.
...even when we got to the goblin camp, we still had to compete against another party.
Isn't that just insane?
Its almost like there are no other places to party.
Anyhow, after a while of some small competition between us and the other party, we actually started to roll in exp, and got from 29-31 in less than 2 hours, which I was definitely happy about.
So now tomorrow will be Dynamis Windy after waiting and missing out on tonnes of points and gear, I may finally have northland Dyna access. I'll just have to wait and see what's in store for me.
Anyway today:
I Fealt a bit of relief from yesterday because I really wanted to get my DRG to 30, not that I got 30 yesterday, but I was very close to it. Anyhow, I managed to put together a level sync party with the help of linkshell member and headed for Yuhtunga Jungle.
Now after we got there, we thought we'd be rolling in exp with a pretty decent setup (well, decent for those levels I think). The party consisted of DRG (me) BLM WHM SAM NIN and ... a BST.
For those that don't know, it is implied from most players on the game that BST is a fun job, but doesn't have many uses in the game apart from being a makeshift WAR without the berserk, double attack trait, no way near as much STR as a WAR, etc...however, it is a fantastic solo job, so i'll give it some credit.
I'll be honest when I say that I normally bash BST, not many people make the job look any good, just like BLU DRG DRK and PUP.
Whoa losing myself there... back to the subject.
Anyway, Yuhtunga Jungle was absolutely packed, something I didn't think i'd see again.
We'd even be lucky to get a mandragora every 5 minutes after killing one off in less than 2 minutes. It was pretty rediculous, so we were pretty much forced to move to the goblin camp near the OP.
...even when we got to the goblin camp, we still had to compete against another party.
Isn't that just insane?
Its almost like there are no other places to party.
Anyhow, after a while of some small competition between us and the other party, we actually started to roll in exp, and got from 29-31 in less than 2 hours, which I was definitely happy about.
So now tomorrow will be Dynamis Windy after waiting and missing out on tonnes of points and gear, I may finally have northland Dyna access. I'll just have to wait and see what's in store for me.
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