Chrishh>>> Hey, can I join your run?
Darksky>>> which job do u have?
Chrishh>>> BLU75/NIN37
Darksky>>> Sorry, I don't accept blu
Chrishh>>> NIN?
Darksky>>> SAM (Do you have it?)
Chrishh>>> No I don't
I mean, what the hell was up with that? The guy is 75 BLU himself, but doesn't accept them? After him shouting for another 10 minute, I tried my hand again.
Chrishh>>> You sure you don't want me to come?
Darksky>>> no, i'd rather spend time shouting
Darksky>>> sorry man
That was a low blow man, I died a little inside, because BLU is one of the jobs that destroy nyzul isle. So I just ended up shouting myself. I bet if someone said that to [GM]Dave about DRG, hed feed them to Jormy.
I have a good Saturday group and we've been progrossing through the floors. Our seup contains Me as either RDM/BLU, Humie as either NIN/RDM, Guyledoche (yes, funny name, but hes actually really cool) as SAM, Skenton as SAM, Braveheart as THF, and we've just gotten Dhalsim as a new 6th member, however, on Saturday, Braveheart couldn't make it, so we got another linkshell member to come, Freshy.
After a few bad weeks of runs after getting my Goliard clogs on the first run wth them, Saturday definitely made up for it. We did floors 1-5, 6-10 and 16-20.
Now, I thought Saturday was crazy, I actually was daring enough to make my own group with a pickup party. First off we had Me as BLU, Caldron as DRG/WHM, Evangela BLU, Lilunulu DRK, Toadstool RDM and Syruss as NIN. At first, I thought that this group would only be able to 'Just' make it up to floor 15. But the run was fantastic.
Our floors were basically Lamps (Order) > all mobs > Lamps (Register) > NM Normal monster > Lamps (Order). Everyone hates the Lamps floor, and particularly the order ones. Well, I did hate this floor untill I had this all sussed and I got floors 11-15 registered on my disk.
Anyway, after this, Caldron couldn't do another assault, so I got Josith to come along as DRK. Hes one of the few DRKs on the game I can trust, I tell you, the guys a legend.
So our setup was now, DRK DRK BLU BLU NIN RDM.
Before entering, we had a small discussion about who would get what if the HNM monster on floor 20 were to drop something. Then, we started talking about what items to get when we enter. This part of the convo made me laugh:
(Chrishh) When we enter, there is a box before we move up floors, in there, there are items you can get and purchase them using Nyzul Tokens.
(Chrishh) NO BUFFS untill we move up to floor 16, and I will give us all 1 minute before we move up, to get items out of the box.
(Lilunulu) *Explains what items to get, can't remember*
(Syruss) Huh? wheres the NPC in nyzul isle?
(Chrishh) ...
(Chrishh) Were you listening just now?
(Syruss) yes but, wheres the NPC?
Josith>>> <.<>
He obviously wasn't getting the idea that there WASN'T AN NPC, so I had to set the guy straight.
Chrishh>>> There is NO NPC, its a box, lol.
Chrishh>>> Well, call the box the NPC if you want to.
(Syruss) oh
Now, this convo not only made me laugh, but made me wonder if this party could get up to floor 20 and kill Behemoth (OOOPS SPOILERS).
So, we entered nyzul isle, I timed the 1 minute we had for items using my stopwatch (not the PC program, the item you wear on your wrist...) as soon as 1 minute was up, I immidiately moved us up. First of all, we had to do Lamps (Order), which I thought would have doomed us from the start, but I was wrong about this. We did this floor in less than 1 minute.
After we progressed a few floors, and were close to floor 20, I looked at my watch to see how good we were on time.
[Chris's watch] 00:08:00
Now, I thought this watch was incorrect, or mabye I was just seriously tired, because we've just done 4 floors IN UNDER 8 MINUTES, not to mention the 1 minute we had for getting items. We were all shocked about how fast we did this as you could imagine (if you're wondering, we didn't get a free floor, thats only ever happened once.).
(Chrishh) Holy crap, you do relise we've just COMPLETED 4 FLOORS IN UNDER 10 MINUTES right?!
(Lilunulu) This is the fastest nyzul run i've ever had XD
(Chrishh) VERY good job guys!
So after that, we ACTUALLY had time to wait around for healing, MP, buffs, using items etc.
Now, through stereotyping, you would have thought that our whole party were heavily pimped out in gear.
Nope, we were all either half decent equips - craply equipped. Then, we went to take on Behemoth. Half way during the fight, I pulled hate and it did Thunderbolt (No, not the move Pikachu uses ._.) and stunned me for like, 30 seconds.
30 second stun? What... the... hell?
Then I started to kiss the floor.
Well, at least we killed it, but didn't get a rare/ex armour drop, but we did get a Swordbreaker.
I laughed when someone said:
(Partymember) Why is it called a sword breaker?
I thought it would be obvious, but it really must not be. its a WEAPON THAT BREAKS SWORDS, hence the name SWORDBREAKER.
1 comment:
Get it, Get it... Sword.. breaker!.. =O
>.> Taru
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