So as usual, I find myself missing a few days, because I coulda swore it was monday yesterday. But as usual, I was wrong, it was actually Wednesday yesterday, which means today I have limbus.
...which also means I can barely make it due to my uni timetable.
But today, I thought I WOULD be able to make it. This proved incorrect, because my old man was using the computer when I got back. This also happened to be Omega day. My dad tells me he doesn't like computer games, however, everytime its omega day he ALWAYS seems to want to use the computer.
At the same time of course.
I think he reads the time schedules and "claims" that he knows nothing about anything I do on FF.
So, as i've implied, I missed the omega run. However, so did one of my other friends, and sounded quite annoyed about it.
So we went to do Temenos to do a bit of farming.
Myself, Wooooodum and Myojin
Yes I know, I don't have byakkos haidate. People try telling me I can't tank without it. This is incorrect, because I tank absolutely fine. However, I would love the haste and dex+15.
We did the first floor, with some ease, and Woody (or Parrot boy if you like, its what I call him) got the second item for his COR af+1.
Then on the second floor, I started to taste the cold floors of Temenos.
What killed me you ask?
MNks, GIANT MNKs. I hate those guys. I wish they got shot in the face.
Anyhow, we still got few coins. Probbably the same amount I would have gotten with the entire group. Less if I was lucky.
And then, after we were done, I changed back to my social linkshell.
Well, I've got many socials, so i'll just say SecretoMana.
I was on there for about 5 minutes, untill someone said:
(Linkshell member) Hey guys, I got salvage, cya later ^^!
That... was music to my ears, kinda like Coldplay's Viva la vida. Those golden words... "Salvage". This folks, is my FAVOURITE end game event. And especially now that you can make profit for actually doing salvage.
For those reading this and have never heard/done salvage before, you start off completely naked, well, not COMPLETELY naked, weakened stats and this includes HP/MP, no magic or abilities, and no subjobs either! As you progress you through 1 of the 4 remnants (Bhaflau, Arrapago, Silver sea and Zhayolm) from monsters you kill, you get "Cells" that drop, each with a specific role to getting you back into shape. And the first floor monsters are all very weak, so you shouldn't have a problem with them, if you do, its because you're retarded.
I immediately pursued this, asking the linkshell member (I don't remember his name) about who he was going with.
I finally got an invite, ended up going a RDM, though I really didn't think I needed to, I coulda gone BLU. Braveheart seems to think its useless, but then again, I know how to do salvage, just i've not had a real decent group.
I have a sunday salvage in the afternoon, but people either:
1. Turn up one hour late
2. Make up the excuse that they don't have enough assault points
3. Run gets canceled because people can't be bothered to come to it.
Not enough assault points? What kind of rubbish is that. Apparently 1500 assault points is hard to come by.
On a side note, you get 3 tags that each take 1 day to regenerate (Tag 1, 1 day, tag 2, next day, tag 3, next day) and you can get an extra tag by picking on up a day before you're supposed to do assault which results in having 4. 4 if you're Captain rank, same situation as having 3 tags, but this time, you can have 5 tags instead. Also, the majority of assaults give you 1000+ points per run, so if you work it out, you can actually have 7000+ points PER WEEK.
(Linkshell member) I don't have many assault points, sorry.
This in translation really means:
(Linkshel member) I couldn't be arsed to do any assaults this week. Tough balls.
In my personal opinion, its not a lot of work to do assaults, it just requires 2 hours of your time to do, or less even.
Anyway, so I got into this new thursday group, which is quite benficial for me. So I went along with them, they're new, so with my extensive knowledge of salvage, i'm going to toughen them up, teach them a few tricks, and wont need to be cell caller anymore. A bit of a slow start, but we progressed and nearly everyone had their stuff back.
We even tried for the level 35 Usukane feet, no NM of course, but it was a good try.
Then, since time was running out, we tried to do some level 15 armour farming, which sadly didn't turn out so well.
Next time I wil look at my RDM macros before using them.
But I feel this group has a lot of potential, not only do they have the right amount of people, but the right amount WITH the right jobs. After i'm done with them, they'll be Salvage machines.
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