Surely I was very annoyed after somehow losing/wiping in that place 3 times.
Yes I know, doesn't that just suck? Stuck doing nothing but wait around for my dynamis shell to do windy again, since my dynamis linkshell do Northlands a lot.
Thats right. It wasn't a typo.
I said again.
The last time was a mess unfortunately, and the other losses are from other dynamis shlls that died out too quickly.
So as you must have figured out by now, i've lost a lot of points.
Nearly 3 months worth actually. I have all of 4 points.
And too bad NAs do dynamis too late for me. Mabye I had a chance to do it then.
So... the time came again for the ls to do dynamis windurst again. Obviously I was keen to turn up... even if it meant falling asleep halfway through.
Now, theres a good reason why I don't like going to dynamis as RDM.
For those that don't know my 75 jobs, they are RDM (1st) BLU (2nd) and NIN (3rd) and currently leveling DRG as another 75 job, which is heavily implied in my last post.
Back to the subject.
Anyway, I don't like going to dynamis as RDM simply because of:
1. RDM aint my favourite event job, but its too usefull so people make me go it most of the time.
2. My computer is made of epic phail. So i'll lag too much, can't type occasionally (during dynamis and other laggy events such as campaign and besieged) and even move around. I'm supprised that my computer hasn't blown up yet, running ffxi on a 256 MB graphics card with an old 256 MB RAM chip supporting it.
3. Too much freaking demand. Especially if you're the only healer in your party. I have to say though, I think people relised that my computer is absolute crap, because I didn' see anyone begging for haste or bugging me about stuff and implying that I don't know how to do my job.
I don't hate RDM.
Of course I don't, it was my first 75 job.
What I hate is when people expect me to be it for everything, even when I have 2 other viable 75 jobs.
Especially since my BLU is my best equipped job out of all 3, my RDM is probably my worst, but even thats pretty decent.
Anyway, after being forced to go RDM, we started dynamis windurst again.
For me, it was the 4th time. for them, it must have been much more than 4.
It was fun, but I fell asleep at least 6 or 7 times, I was sooooo tired, but I was DETERMINED to get this win. Ironically, the last and longest time I fell asleep, they killed the mega boss and the ??? popped on the floor.
And apparently, half of the linkshell (ESPECIALLY ELLEANNE) spamming me with tells was gonna wake me up.
I eventually woke up, and got the win, like 5 minutes before the reservation time was done.
So now I FINALLY have northlands access, which I am VERY pleased about.
Grats on the win man.
I was spamming the party chat with:
'< call > Chrishhypoo' but I guess it must have been out of your chat log by the time you came back.
I'd almost forget; thanks for keeping me alive that night :)
congradulations on you win. Im sure you would of tossed your RDM if you continued to sleep through dynamis! No wonder you didnt answer any of my tells, youre slow and a nooby sleepy head!
Keep the comments coming guys, this is good! :)
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